Monday, March 04, 2013

Lucy – a true story… A doggy cured of Distemper (nervous stage)

This is Lucy…when she was found very hungry and dirty, scared by other dogs…She was rescued and took to a vet clinic in Bucharest, Romania and they made her a vaccine and put her in a cage. The lady who rescued her asked for a foster home as she was “healthy” and was not a place for her in the cage at the vet.
As i have a male dog, I said I will take her until we’ll find an adopter! So, Lucy came to us in an August afternoon to live in our apartment. She was scared of Toto and about 1 week she ran from him.
Until September she was ok, started to play with Toto, then she stopped eating, slept all day, vomited… so we took her to vet and had blood tests and infusions (vitamins). after this, she started to eat and felt better.


One morning when I got up from bed I found blood where she slept…It was from her nose…I took her again to vet and they made the test and found she was having Distemper, the respiratory stage… Vet started to treat her with Interferon and vitamins for her imunitary system,  which was very low…  After some weeks, still not good news, so Toto donated her blood and she had blood transfusion.

LUCY at the vet having blood transfusions!

After all these treatments she felt much better, walking in the park, eating, being a normal dog! Everyone thought she is saved!
But no,…Unfortunately this was the silence before “the storm” … She started to not be able to walk… and from that time until December 2012, around Christmas, she just lay down in bed, not moving but eating and drinking…Some days she was like a vegetable, many days and nights she was screaming (without any reason, vets said…)…we kept her confortable and fed her very well, kept her clean and warm!  But time was passing and nothing good …until, after many medications and treatments (pills, infusions, homeopatic pills) she started just before Christmas to raise her head, couldn’t keep it much time up, but she wanted to live!
I have to confess, I never was sure she will get better … It was very hard for all of us… But Lucy is a FIGHTER!!!  Animals I knew are strong, but this case confirmed once more…they have more will to live!!! They suffer in silence, cannot tell you what is wrong…what pains they have…but they fight!!! She won the fight with dead…She choose to live !!!

Day by day she amazed us by trying to move her legs, she is now walking but we have to help her, because her muscles are still very poor. she will soon have hidroterapy and will soon be stronger! She wants to walk, to run again in the park with Toto.
They started to play again, she is very active and playful! Almost like a normal dog!

Lucy and toto, after they played, tired now!

Lucy walking, just needs a bit of help, …soon she will run in the park !
In the end, i would like to thank you ALL our friends who helped us to be able to help Lucy to get better and to start a new a dn happy life! She is just 1 year old…

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